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C4Finance 2.03

C4Finance 2.03

C4Finance Publisher's Description

The C4 Finance is a new generation financial graphic calculator for the PalmOS.
Calculations in C4 resemble handwriting on a sheet of paper. Imagine that a magic sheet of paper understands your math writing and automatically solves it. That is the way C4 works.
The following features are available.

-Multi-line edit field with standard text editor convenience.
-With the multiple edit fields you can work with several problems simultaneously.
-Calculation Log let you choose previous problems and helps organize your calculations.
-Undo and Redo button provides easier editing process.
-Category menu and Function pad let you use any of the Built-in functions and worksheets almost instantly.
-Store / Recall worksheets allow viewing, editing and saving your task variables.
-Hexadecimal, octal and binary numbers calculations.
-Boolean operators comprehensive support, including “xor” and “not”.
-Build-in quick reference includes comprehensive description and examples for each function.
-Built-in worksheets solve the following tasks:

- "Time Value of Money".
- "Cash Flow".
- "Interest Conversions".
- "Bonds".
- "Depreciation".
- "Breakeven".
- "Black-Scholes", European options and other derivatives calculations (for assets paying/non-paying
dividend), Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega, Rho.
- "Forex", currency converting.
- "Statistics". Mean, correlation coefficient, 6 regression models for two variables.
- "Time". Timeline calculations.
- "Equation Solver". Type an equation and then solve for any unknown variable. No programming needed!
- "Graphics Explorer". Look up and explore functions. You can make reasonable guesses for equation solver.
- "Graphs". Organize your equations to view a few diagrams at once.

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